7 Foods That Everyone Should Not Eat at the Wrong Time

By now you should know that eating a well-balanced diet is crucial to good health, but when it comes to nutrition, there’s something else just as necessary: the timing of your meals. Eating some foods at the wrong time can affect your digestion, it will give you trouble to sleep and also reduced energy throughout the day. Certain healthier foods can be bad for you to eat at certain times.

By the end of this article, we will unmask 3 popular fad-diet lies everyone is falling for and when to eat 5 foods how can you successfully fight these problems.

7 Foods That Everyone Should Not Eat at the Wrong Time

1. Bananas – Avoid at Night

Bananas are known for being a nutritious fruit, supplying moderate amounts of potassium and magnesium as well serving a source of fiber. It aids in energy production, muscle function regulation and digestive health. Although there are many benefits of the bananas, they should not be eaten at night and for those who suffer any form of respiratory problem.

Why Avoid at Night?

Bananas — a COLD food, now this is interesting. A cold fruit causes mucus production and fed through the intestine it can bring its properties almost to zero by body heat so not always good or bad for everyone Bananas are known as mucous forming foods.流れる粘液(スムーズな便)をつくらせ、Destoreするのがバナナ]init (2000) → Baanan臘 realブロガー RTLU快適では毎日楽しくモーニングコールします。 Bananas are also fibrous and take a while to actually digest. Eating them at night can clog up your digestive system and may end in physical discomfort or indigestion.

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Few Facts on Bananas! Best Time to Eat

Mornings or mid-afternoon. On the plus side, bananas are a great source of energy and can restore some electrolytes post workout. They work just as well for the breakfast, offering instant energy to kick off your day and ensuring easy digestion in morning hours.

2. Citrus Fruits – Not with An Empty Stomach

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which makes it great for your skin and boosting the immune system, citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits are just full of this vitamin. They are amazing for your immune system and great digestive stimulants. Yet they have too a lot of acridity and can’t be eaten on an unfilled stomach.

Why You Should Not Have it Empty Stomach

Citrus Fruits — the acidic nature of citrus fruits can irritate a lining stomach, which is why people who suffer from acid reflux, ulcers or generally have sensitive stomachs should also steer clear. This could cause heartburn, discomfort and other food that you eat afterwards may not be digested properly.

When To Eat Citrus Fruits

Mid-morning or afternoon. These also work well in combination with other food sources, cooling and refreshing the stomach. Enjoy after a meal for dessert or as snack with yogurt and nuts.

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3. Coffee – Avoid in the Late Evening

Coffee is enjoyed for its cognitive-enhancing effects around the world. Yet drinking coffee in the evening keeps you wide-awake, messes up with your sleep and brings forth further other problems.

Bedtime is the reason to avoid it in evening???

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that effectively inhibits adenosine (a neurotransmitter that encourages sleep). Having a cup of coffee shortly before bedtime can interfere with both your ability to fall asleep and sleep quality, leading you to feel restless and tired. It can also keep sensitive individuals to caffeine awake, unable to sleep.

Best Time to Take Coffee:

Morning or early afternoon. It should be drunk before twelve noon, and it is most desirable after breakfast in the morning. This instance can keep you awake during the day and wake up at night. Do not drink coffee, after 2–3 p.m. it can interfere with your sleep process.

4. Spicy foods No late nights

Many traditional spices, especially those containing chili peppers, can increase metabolism and provide wake-up flavors to your meals. However, at night they are not recommended as the process of digestion will be interrupted.

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Why Avoid Late at Night?

Capsaicin in spicy foods increases body temperature and promotes digestive functions. Otherwise you could suffer from heartburn, indigestion and/or acid reflux as a result of eating them before going to bed. Capsaicin also raises the body temperature, which can cause you to feel too warm during sleep. According to a recent study, having spicy late at night can keep you awake stirring and disrupt your sleeping patterns.

Best time to have spicy foods:

Lunch or early evening. Because your gut is more active by day, you are better able to consume and digest spicier things. It also lets your body enough time to cool down by itself before going to sleep.

5. Milk- Not Recommended Before Complete Meals

Milk is a nutritious beverage that provides calcium, protein and vitamins. One of the best for your bones and a smart way to help muscles recover. But refrain from drinking milk immediately pre and post heavy meals.

Why avoid before heavy meals?

Because it has a higher fat and protein content, milk takes more time to digest. If you drink it ahead of a big meal, digestive function can sluggish to some get and also depart you bloated as well as more likely to flatulence or even increased sweating. Milk can also form a layer in the stomach lining, blocking most nutrients to get absorbed.

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Best Time to Drink Milk:

At night or for a snack by itself. Tryptophan present in milk helps induce relaxation and sleep, so drinking a warm glass of it before bedtime is the best deal. It is also good for repairing muscles after a workout.

6. Yogurt – Avoid at Night

It also contains probiotics which aid in digestion and support stronger immunity. Although some may have a late yogurt at night, sometimes it causes discomfort.

Why Avoid at Night?

Consuming yogurt at night: has a cooling effect on the body; slows digestion. This may help increase the production of mucus, which could make respiratory conditions like colds or sinus congestion worse. It is important to note that the probiotics contained in yoghurts may not be of much use when your metabolism slows down during sleep.

Best Time to Eat Yogurt:

Morning or afternoon. It is recommended that you eat yogurt earlier in the day because this is when your metabolism works best. When eaten with dry fruits, nuts or honey and yoghurt this is an excellent choice for breakfast as it aids in good digestion throughout the day.

7. Rice — Naughty at night

Rice is also a primary food in many diets as well and it serves as fantastic carbohydrates. Secondly, even though it has a high GI and should not be consumed that late at night.

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Why Avoid Late at Night?

Rice spikes blood sugar right away and consuming it at night time raises weight gain that is so unnecessary, particularly if you tend to be nonchalant during the nights. Moreover, rice is considered an item that takes a longer time to digest and should not be consumed just before bedtime as it can bloat or cause discomfort in the abdomen (indigestion). It can even leave you feeling slow and tired the next day.

Best Time to Eat Rice:

Lunch or early evening. It is better to eat rice when your body will be more active so the carbohydrates can serve as an available energy source. Much better is including some rice in a punchy lunch… which kind sets you up for tasting the difference straight away.


You cannot only eat the right foods, but also have proper timing involved as to how your body processes things. The wrong timing can lead to bloating, indigestion issues as well sleep disturbances and weight issue. When you eat certain foods — and when you know to say “when” — is how eating can heal your body.

If you really want to get the most efficiency from your meals, think about both what and when you are eating. Early is better Early fasting improves digestion and boosts your body to be more energized for overall well-being.

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